Friday 24 May 2019

An Observation

You know, I find it telling that the pro-abortion arguments popping up on my social media news feeds are conveniently ignoring a few things:

1.  Abortion is murder.  Plain and simple.  You are killing, in many cases ripping apart, innocent babies.  It is modern day child sacrifice and it is horrific.  Go watch video of an abortion procedure then you can argue this point with me.

2. Many legislators bringing forward and voting for pro-life laws are women.  Many pro-life supporters are women.  They are women fighting to protect the most vulnerable human beings.

3.  There are men out there who would gladly step up and raise their babies but “her body, her choice” robs them of any choice in the matter.

4. Those saying “I wouldn’t get one but I support it for others so mind your own business,” let me reword that for you:  “I support the murder of babies as long as it isn’t my baby and I believe you shouldn’t stand up against evil unless you are personally involved or affected by said evil.” Sound right? No? Well that’s what you’re saying so if you don’t like it then you need to rethink a few things.

5. Legal, Safe, Rare.  That was the original pro-choice argument.  Yearly numbers tell you it isn’t rare.  There is big money involved and safety is easily sacrificed in the name of profit.  Look into it.  It happens.  So now we are left with legal; the pro-abortionists fight for no limits on abortion, legal at any stage of development.  That is disgusting.

There is no satisfying those who lust after evil.  For when they achieve one goal they are not satisfied and set out to achieve an even worse one.  And good people let them do it in the name of political correctness or choice or whatever you want to call it.  Take a stand now before it’s too late and you end up the one they are fighting for the right to kill.

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